Applications for the Expression of Interest (EOI) stage close at 5.00pm on Thursday 24 May 2018.  

The MIQ Program provides grant funding to support Queensland’s small to medium enterprises (SME) in the traditional manufacturing sector to become more internationally competitive and adopt innovative processes and technologies. The MIQ Program is aimed at supporting existing jobs and creating new jobs in Queensland manufacturing businesses and in the state’s supply chains, and growing Queensland’s economy.

In November 2017 the Queensland Government doubled the funding through the Made In Queensland program to $40 million. 

What's available

Eligible manufacturing businesses can apply for grants of between $50,000 and $2.5 million to help them become more productive, grow, innovate and create knowledge-based jobs for Queensland’s future. 

Made in Queensland grants will reimburse eligible businesses up to 50 per cent of the agreed project costs of implementing an approved project delivering leading edge or innovative equipment or systems. 

To be eligible for funding, manufacturing organisations must:

  • employ between 5 and 200 full time equivalent employees
  • have a current ABN and be registered for the Goods and Services Tax
  • conduct manufacturing activities defined under Division C of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 
  • have a clearly defined project that delivers leading-edge, advanced manufacturing equipment or innovative processes and technologies for manufacturing
  • demonstrate the project delivers benefits to the business and Queensland’s economy

The deadline for Expression of Interest Applications is 5:00pm on 24 May 2018. 

If you are a manufacturing business who would like to apply for the grant and would like assistance with your application, please contact Langano Business Strategists by clicking here. Our Managing Director, Joe Barnewall, has experience as a grant application assessor for the Queensland Government grant programs and can provide valuable insight into the process and the likely preferred project criteria.  

Langano Business Strategists monitor all business funding grants across local, state and federal level. If you would like assistance in identifying a grant to suit your business, please contact us